
Research projects/programmes of the Department faculty in progress


  • Research project title: Structure of Current Newsrooms: The News Beat Systems.
    Time frame: 2023-2024
    Faculty member: Pantelis Vatikiotis
    Role: Project Coordinator

  • Research project title: Μετασχηματισμός και εμπλουτισμός του ψηφιακού εκπαιδευτικού περιεχομένου για την προσχολική και σχολική εκπαίδευση [Transformation and enrichment of digital educational content for preschool and school education]
    Time frame: 2023-2025
    Funded by: Ινστιτούτο Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής -  [Institute of Educational Policy]
    Faculty member: Αngeliki Gazi
    Role: Coordinator for Social Sciences

  • Research project title: GAIA: Gender equAlity and anti-dIscrimination practices via virtual reAlity approaches.
    Time frame: 2023-2025
    Funded by: Ελληνικό Ίδρυμα Έρευνας και Καινοτομίας (ΕΛΙΔΕΚ) - [Hellenic Foundation of Resarch and Education]
    Faculty member: Αngeliki Gazi
    Role: Member of the research team

  • Research project title: ΑΜΥΚΛΑΙΟΝ [The Amycles Research Project]
    Time frame: 2005
    Funded byThe Archeological Society of Athens and other Grantors
    Faculty member: Αndromache Gkazi
    Role: Member of the research team (since 2019)

  • Research project title: ARDION - Ανάπτυξη πλατφόρμας για την δημιουργία καινοτόμων εφαρμογών ξενάγησης στο αρχαιολογικό χώρο της Αρχαίας Δωδώνης με στόχο την ενίσχυση της εμπειρίας του επισκέπτη χρησιμοποιώντας στοιχεία επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας, παιχνιδοποίησης και συστημάτων εντοπισμού ακριβούς θέσης των επισκεπτών.
    [Development of a Platform for Creating Innovative Guided Tour Applications at the Archaeological Site of Ancient Dodoni Aimed at Enhancing Visitor Experience Using Augmented Reality, Gamification, and Precise Visitor Location Tracking Systems.]
    Time frame: 2022-2025
    Funded by: Ερευνώ-Δημιουργώ-Καινοτομώ Β' Κύκλος - [Research – Create – Innovate 2nd Cycle]
    Faculty member: Αndromache Gkazi
    Role: Member of the research team

  • Research project title: TEDxPanteionUniversity
    Time frame: 2022-2024
    Faculty member: Stavros Kaperonis
    Role: Project Coordinator

  • Research project title: European Media Platforms: Assessing Positive & Negatives Externalities for European Culture (Eumeplat).
    Time frame: 2021-2024
    Funded by: European Union’s Horizon 2020
    Faculty member: Achilleas Karadimitriou
    Role: Member of the research team

  • Research project title: Check4facts Science μέρος των προγραμμάτων CLIMPACT II & Justredi (στο πλαίσιο του Εθνικού Σχεδίου Ανάκαμψης και Ανθεκτικότητας Ελλάδα 2.0).
    [Check4facts Science - Part of the Projects CLIMPACT II & Justredi (in the faramework of Greece 2.0 - National Recovery & Resilence Plan]
  • Time frame: 2023
    Funded by: European Union – NextGenerationEU
    Faculty member: Achilleas Karadimitriou
    Role: Member of the research team

  • Research project title: Σχεδιασμός πολιτιστικού MASTERPLAN, πολιτιστικής αναπτυξιακής πολιτικής και πολιτιστικής ταυτότητας (brand) για επιλεγμένες περιοχές της χώρας.
    [Design of a cultural MASTERPLAN, cultural development policy, and cultural identity (branding) for selected areas of the country."
    Time frame: 2023-2024
    Funded by: Greek Ministry of Culture
    Faculty member: Martha Michailidou
    Role: Project Coordinator of Panteion University

  • Research project title: Labour Precarity and Social Cohesion: The Case of Cultural and Creative Industries (LaPreSc).
    Time frame: 2023-2025
    Funded by: Ελληνικό Ίδρυμα Έρευνας και Καινοτομίας (ΕΛΙΔΕΚ) [Hellenic Foundation of Resarch and Education]
    Faculty member: Martha Michailidou
    Role: Member of the research team

  • Research project title: Μελέτη σκοπιμότητας για την σύσταση και λειτουργία Δημιουργικού Κόμβου για τις Οπτικοακουστικές Τέχνες στη Δράμα (Audiovisual Cluster/Hub). [Feasibility Study for the Establishment and Operation of a Creative Hub for Audiovisual Arts in Drama (Audiovisual Cluster/Hub)
    Time frame: 2023
    Funded by: Private funding
    Faculty member: Martha Michailidou
    Role: Project Coordinator

  • Research project title: GLAMMONS: Resilient, sustainable and participatory practices: Towards the GLAMs of the commons (2022-2025).
    Time frame: 2022-2025
    Funded by: Horizon Europe, Call HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-01 (Research and innovation on cultural heritage and CCIs – 2021)
    Faculty member: Martha Michailidou
    Role: Member of the research team

  • Research project title: CORAL- Exploring the impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripheral areas in the EU.
    Participating Organizations: Panteion University, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, European Creative Hubs Network, Politecnico di Milano, Paris School of Business, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Saxon Association of Cultural & Creative Industries, Impact Hub Global, Epicentre Factory. Partner Organizations: University of Lille, Region of Western Greece, University of Leipzig, Humboltd University, University of Vienna, Metro
    Funded by: 2021-2024
    Φορέας χρηματοδότησης: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Innovative Training Networks (ITN) (2021-2024)
    Faculty member: Martha Michailidou
    Role: Member of the  Supervisory Board

  • Research project title: ReliablE in-Vehicle pErception and decisioN-making in complex environmenTal conditions (EVENTS).
    Time frame: 2022-2025
    Time frame:: European Commission (Horizon2.5)
    Faculty member: Vasillis Roungas
    Role: Principal Researcher/Project Manager

  • Research project title: G-FORCE- enForcing gender equality and cOntributing to sexual oRientation respeCt in a higher Education institutions alliance.
    Time frame: 2023-2025
    Faculty member: Εrasmus ΚΑ2
    Όνομα μέλους ΔΕΠ: Yannis Skarpelos* - Stavros Kaperonis#
    Role: *Scientific Supervisor - #Researcher

  • Research project title: Green Roofs in higher education institutions as sustainable cEnters for research, participation, ENvironmental consciousness and O2 generation (GreenO2).
    Time frame: 2023-2026
    Funded by: Εrasmus ΚΑ2
    Faculty member: Yannis Skarpelos
    Role: Scientific supervisor of the Panteion team

  • Research project title: Digital Freelancing for Higher education students and Recent Graduates (diFree).
    Time frame: 2022-2024
    Funded by: Εrasmus ΚΑ2
    Faculty member: Yannis Skarpelos* - Stavros Kaperonis#
    Role: *Scientific supervisor of the Panteion team - #Researcher

  • Research project title: Υποστήριξη Δράσεων της Επιχειρηματικότητας, Καινοτομίας και Ωρίμανσης για την Αξιοποίηση της Ερευνητικής Δραστηριότητας και των Νέων Προιόντων και Υπηρεσιών που αναπτύσσονται στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο - Δημιουργία και λειτουργία της Δομής Επιχειρηματικότητας και Καινοτομίας του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου "CREATIVE+" ΟΠΣ(ΜΙS)5163907.
    [Support for Actions in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Maturation for Exploiting Research Activities and New Products and Services Developed at the Panteion University - Establishment and Operation of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Structure 'CREATIVE+' O.P. (MIS) 5163907.]
    Time frame: 2022- 2023  [* The project continues]
    Funded by: ΕΣΠΑ
    Faculty member: Betty Tsakarestou
    Role: Scientific Supervisor


  •  IN OTHER WORDS. A Contextualized Online Dictionary to Problematize Otherness.
    This project develops an online dictionary of keywords which have been/are shaping the narratives of different forms of Otherness and are juxtaposed to some creative proposals to reverse such a perspective – e.g., visual elements, works of art, ads, poems, etc. Its aim is to develop and share critical and intercultural awareness to challenge the (re)production and the dissemination of dehumanizing, stigmatizing, and stereotyping language. It is structured as an online web application to be used for free in different social and educational contexts by students, teachers, scholars, educators, and activists. The project is both a product and a process, being conceived as a work-in-progress open to diverse contributions and aimed to bridge theoretical reflections and practice. Some of the keywords already identified are: age, borders, class, disability, foreignness, gender, invasion, knowledge, language, margins, multiculturalism, power, racism, stereotype, tolerance, tradition, violence, war, xenophobia. Other keyword/s can be proposed and added by contributors. There is also a special section for COVID-19 which analyses critically how, in different countries and different contexts, words have been used and mobilized to create specific narratives of the pandemic – and different forms of Otherness. The web application is still in a reserved area since the first keywords discussed are under final revision. As soon as the collaborative revision is completed, the web application will be visible online, disseminated in several international networks, and open to contributors. The project is being carried out by a consortium of researchers from Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, UK, Ukraine, Brazil. Member of the research team: Assistant professor Ioanna Vovou.

  • Road-STEAMer: Developing a STEAM Roadmap for Science Education in Horizon Europe
    Funded by Horizon Europe
    The programme is developed by the Department’s Cultural Informatics and Computational Cultural Studies Lab
    Scientific coordinator: Professor Yannis Skarpelos

  • The Dynamics of Virtual Work, COST Action IS1202 (2012-2016),
    An international interdisciplinary research network on the transformation of work in the Internet Age.
    Funding: European Science Foundation COST programme.
    Member of the Managing Committee/Responsible for Short Term Scientific Missions: Assistant professor Martha Michailidou

  • Bibliotheca Academica Translationum - Traductions et circulation des savoirs sur l’Antiquité gréco-romaine dans l’Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
    Codirection du projet de recherche: Assistant professor Chryssanthi Avlami
    Porteurs institutionnels: Centre de recherches ANHIMA (Paris)/ Ecole française d’Athènes (EfA)

  • Risk Journalism and Global Justice Project
    Member of Global Risk Journalism Hub (including researchers from 30 countries) and Principal Investigator for Greece: Assistant professor Pantelis Vatikiotis

  • Nonverbal Communication in Immersive Virtual Reality (metaVR)
    Commissioned by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Education
    Member of the Project Scientific Team: Assistant professor Angeliki Gazi

  • REVATHENS – Reviving revolutionary Athens.
    Research project (2019-2022) funded by H.F.R.I. (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation) under the call “Science & Society”: “200 years from the Greek revolution”. The project aims at creating a digital interactive application that will consist of a series of interactive simulation scenes, enriched with augmented reality and gamification elements.
    Scientific coordination: Associate professor Andromache Gkazi

  • A digital platform for developing educational cultural tourism applications with the use of mixed reality, augmented reality and digitisation (2019-2022).
    Project leader: Ionian University
    Funding: ESPA 2014-2020
    Member of the research team: Associate professor Andromache Gkazi

  • Management Curriculum for the Digital Era (Ma.Cu.DE) in collaboration with the Stevens Institute of Technology, USA (in progress), . The programme aims to examine the new educational needs in the digital age and transform and update the curriculum offered by the world's leading Business Schools to ensure that their graduates have acquired the mindset, knowledge and skills needed to act as leaders in the digital world.
    Scientific coordinator: Assistant professor Dimitra Iordanoglou

  • Α platform for large-scale analysis of business mentions, in a multilingual context, for business opportunities detection.
    In the ESPA Research-Innovation programme.
    Member of the research team: Professor George – Michail Κlimis

  • CORAL- Exploring the impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripheral areas in the EU
    CORAL- ITN is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network (2021-2024). Its aim is to unpack the latent dynamics and impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripheral areas and integrate them as development tools in local and regional policies to open up new potentials for socio-economic development. Beneficiaries: Panteion University, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, European Creative Hubs Network, Politecnico di Milano, Paris School of Business, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Saxon Association of Cultural & Creative Industries, Impact Hub Global, Epicentre Factory. Partner Organizations: University of Lille, Region of Western Greece, University of Leipzig, Humboltd University, University of Vienna, Metro
    Funding: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Innovative Training Networks (ITN) (2021-2024)
    Member of the Supervisory Board: Assistant professor Martha Michaildou

  • Urban Cowork. The co-production of urban space: the case of coworking spaces in a transnational case study approach (Greece, UK and Germany, 2020-2023),Funding: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation
    Senior Researcher: Assistant professor Martha Michailidou

  • TRIPMENTOR Interactive Tourist Guide
    In this project Panteion is responsible for configuring an evidence-based visitor/tourist typology, operationilising the connection between visitor types and points of interest and applying gamification rules.
    Funded by the programme “Research – Create – Innovate”.
    Scientific supervisor: Professor Yannis Skarpelos on behalf of the New Media Lab and the research team GameLab.

  • InterMEDs - Fostering ‘Intercultural MEDiators’ as a practice for establishing communities’ coalition and mutual understanding.
    In this project, aiming at training of intercultural mediators, Panteion participates in the research on Local Authorities’ and immigrants’ needs; the development of the curriculum, as well as the actual training of intercultural mediators. In this project participate also partners from the United Kingdom (leader), Portugal, Spain, Cyprus and Northern Macedonia.
    Funded by Erasmus+ KA2.
    Scientific supervisor of the Panteion team: Professor Yannis Skarpelos.
  • Research for Innovative Practices in Emergency Management of Erasmus Community (RIPEC).
    In this project, aiming to support Erasmus offices and Universities to face critical situations like the present COVID-19 pandemic, Panteion participates in the development and conducting of focus groups and project meetings, as well as in diffusing findings. In this project participate also partners the Czech Republic, Italy (leader), Poland and Spain.
    Funded by Erasmus+KA2 (KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education).
    Scientific supervisor of the Panteion team: Professor Yannis Skarpelos.

  • Enhancing Digital thinking for the TransitiOn of the elderly into a fast-changing conteXt (DOTOX). In this project, aiming at supporting senior citizens in acquiring digital skills and digital thinking, Panteion participates in curriculum design, training of trainers as well as of participant senior citizens, in project evaluation and of results. In this project participate also partners from Cyprus, Romania, Spain and Portugal (leader).
    Funded by Erasmus+ (KA204 - Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education).
    Scientific supervisor of the Panteion team is Professor Yannis Skarpelos.

  • ReliablE in-Vehicle pErception and decisioN-making in complex environmenTal conditions (EVENTS)
    Principal Researcher/Project Manager Vasilis (Bill) Roungas
    Time-frame: 2022 - 2025
    Funding: European Commission (Horizon2.5)

  • Incentivising Technology Adoption for Accelerating Change in ATM (ITACA)
    Principal Researcher: Vasilis (Bill) Roungas
    Time-frame: 2020 - 2022
    Funding: European Commission (Horizon2020)

  • Gaming TrV
    Principal Researcher: Vasilis (Bill) Roungas
    Time-frame: 2020 - 2022
    Funding: Trafikverket (Swedish Ministry of Transport)

  • Digitisation and creation of material available online, as part of the project “Enrichment of the digital collections of the movable monuments of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, and development of the National Monuments Archive information system” (2017-2018)
    Member of the research team: Associate professor Andromache Gkazi

  • The European programme CODES (Communication, Cultural Diversity and Solidarity) {2017-2021} is an international programme (Erasmus+ key action 1: Strategic Partnerships) coordinated by the University Lumière Lyon 2 of France. The CODES brings together the research teams of the universities of six European countries (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania), in order to connect directly the university with society, as well as to define the role of education in the management of diversity and multiculturalism.National coordinator of the CODES programme for Greece & Scientific Supervisor: Associate professor Marianna Psill

  • Mapping the Creative and Cultural Industries in Greece (2016-2017)
    Regional Development Institute, Panteion University, and Ministry of Culture and Sports, Hellenic Republic.
    Funding: European Union Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 and Ministry of Culture and Sports, Hellenic Republic
    Member of the research team: Assistant professor Martha Michailidou.

  • EuNaMus – European national museums: Identity politics, the uses of the past and the European citizen (2010 - 2013)
    Funding: European Commission, CORDIS, 7th Framework Programme
    Member of the research team for the sub-programme Mapping and Framing Institutions (1750-1950): Associate professor Andromache Gkazi

  • "La Reconfiguration des pratiques culturelles et du genre à l’ère du numérique
    Funding: DEPS - Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques

  • What is Television Creation ? (ANR-08-CREA-027, 2008-2011).
    Research project conducted by the Centre d’Etudes des Images et des Sons Médiatiques (CEISME/CIM), Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle.
    Funding: French National Agency of Research (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).
    Member of the research team: Assistant professor Ioanna Vovou

  • Study on the prevention and fighting of illicit trafficking in cultural goods in Europe 
    Funding: CECOJI- CNRS (Paris), 2011
    Member of the scientific team: Associate professor Daphne Voudouri†

  • Levels of Impairment in Greek Aphasia: relationship with processing deficits, brain region and therapeutic implications.
    Funding: Thales Research Project – ESPA (2012-2016
    Research subsection coordinator: Professor Maria Kakavoulia

  • Young Business Leaders. Developing and enhancing leadership skills for young managers in times of crisis: An innovative training package for European young professionals
    The main objective of this European programme (Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation) was to contribute to the development of better future leaders for organisations and society and to equip young people with the necessary skills and competences to successfully enter a rapidly changing labour market. In particular, through the design of an innovative leadership development training programme, the aim is to transfer innovation from Greece to the host countries, i.e. Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria.
    Scientific Coordinator: Dimitra Iordanoglou. Funding: European Commission (2012-2014)

  • GEMIC (Gender, Migration, Intercultural Interaction): Cultural Interactions in a European Perspective, WP 4: «National Identity and the Media" (2008-2011)
    Funding: FP7 (Cooperation – Socio -economic Sciences and Humanities)
    GeMIC: gender, migration, and intercultural interactions (
    Members of the research team: Associate professor Maria Paradeisi, Assistant professor Ioanna Vovou 

  • La spectacularisation du Politique (The spectacularisation of Politics) (2005-2006).
    Research programme conducted by l’Observatoire du Récit Médiatique, Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).
    Funding: Audiovisual Superior Council of the French Community of Belgium and the Parliament of the French Community of Belgium.
    Member of the research team: Assistant professor Ioanna Vovou

  • Railway Gaming Suite 2 (RGS2)
    PhD Researcher Vasilis (Bill) Roungas
    Time-frame: 2015 - 2019
    Funding: Dutch Research Council (NWO)


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