PhD dissertation title: "Music and political identity; the protest song during the crisis period in Greece. A sociological approach"
Supervisor: Assistant Professor Pantelis Vatikiotis
Katerina Karageorgou was born in Athens where she still resides. She holds two Bachelor degrees in Sociology and in Media, Culture and Communication at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. She completed the transdepartmental Master's degree Music culture and communication; anthropological and communicative approaches of music, of the departments of Musicology and Media Studies at the Kapodistrian University of Athens. She also completed her music studies in piano, harmony and counterpoint at the National Conservatory of Athens.
Since January 2020, she is working on her PhD Research at the Media and Culture Communication Department at Panteion University titled «Music and political identity; the protest song during the crisis period in Greece. A sociological approach» under the supervision of assistant professor Pantelis Vatikiotis.
Her research interests concern the sociology of music, music in political movements and the communicative dimensions of music protest.
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