Kavvathas Dionysios, Assistant Professor

  • Dionysios Kavvathas has studied Philosophy at the Free University of Berlin.
  • He is Assistant Professor of Media Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Panteion University of Athens and teaches media theory in the MA Program in Digital Arts at the Athens School of Fine Arts.
  • He is a member of the editorial board of the Greek journal for psychoanalysis, philosophy and the arts, αληthεια.
  • He is also the editor of the Greek translations of Friedrich Kittler’s Gramophone, Film, Typewriter (Athens: nisos, 2005) and Discourse Networks (Athens: Smili, forthcoming).
  • He is a specialist in Nietzschean philosophy and has written widely on the aesthetic function of media and their historical transcription through digital technologies. As editor of the series Media Philosophy and Aesthetics for Smili Publications, he has edited works by Vilém Flusser, Norbert Bolz, Dirk Baecker, and Michel Serres.
  • He is currently writing a book on models of memory from Plato to Turing. 

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Καββαθάς Διονύσιος, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής

Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Φιλοσοφία και Αισθητική των Μέσων

Ο Διονύσης Καββαθάς σπούδασε φιλοσοφία στο Ελεύθερο Πανεπιστήμιο του Βερολίνου. Είναι Επίκουρος Καθηγητής της Φιλοσοφίας και Αισθητικής των Μέσων στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών στο Τμήμα Επικοινωνίας, Μέσων και Πολιτισμού και επισκέπτης καθηγητής στο Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών «Ψηφιακές μορφές τέχνης» της Σχολής Καλών Τεχνών. Έχει δημοσιεύσει κείμενα με θέματα που αφορούν στην αισθητική λειτουργία των μέσων, «γραφή», «εικόνα» και «μουσική», και έχει μελετήσει την ιστορική μεταγραφή τους μέσω της ψηφιακής τεχνολογίας. Είναι διευθυντής δύο επιστημονικών σειρών (Αesthetica και Φιλοσοφία και Αισθητική των Μέσων) που εξετάζουν τις τεχνικές οργάνωσης του κοινωνικού χώρου και του ιστορικού χρόνου (Friedrich Kittler, Vilém Flusser, Norbert Bolz, Dirk Baecker, and Michel Serres) και μέλος της συντακτικής επιτροπής του ψυχαναλυτικού και φιλοσοφικού περιοδικού αληthεια. Έχει γράψει πολυάριθμες βιβλιοκριτικές στον αθηναϊκό ημερήσιο τύπο. Τελευταία εργάζεται πάνω σε μια συστηματική και ιστορική προσέγγιση τεχνικών μοντέλων μνήμης από τον Πλάτωνα έως τον Τιούρινγκ.

Γραφείο 151, Γυάλινο Κτίριο, Τηλ. 2109201551, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ώρες συνεργασίας με φοιτητές/τριες (χειμερινό εξάμηνο 2018-19): Τρίτη 14:00-15:00, Πέμπτη 17:00-18:00

Gkazi Andromache, Professor

Andromache Gkazi is Professor of Museology at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens. She also teaches at the Greek Open University and lectures widely on museum topics. Prior to entering academia, she worked for many years as a museum consultant and exhibition curator.

Her research interests include the ideological manipulation of the Greek past in museums and beyond, museum history, the theory and practice of exhibitions, museum text, memory studies, oral history, public history and public archaeology. Publications include the edited volumes National Museums in Southern Europe. History and Perspectives, Athens 2012 (with Alexandra Bounia) and Oral History in Museums and Education, Athens 2015 (with Irene Nakou). She is a founding member and member of the editorial board of the museological journal Tetradia Mouseiologias, a member of the Council of Museums of the Greek Ministry of Culture, and member of the Amykles Research Programme in “Public Archaeology”.

She holds a B.A. in Archaeology from the University of Thessaloniki, an M.Phil. in Archaeology from the University of Cambridge (option: cultural management and museum practice), and a Ph.D. in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester sponsored by the Onassis Foundation.


Office: Δ16, Fourth Floor-New Building, 

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Office hours

  • Wednesdays 17:00 - 18:00
  • Fridays 13:00 - 14:00, upon request via e-mail

Avlami Chryssanthi, Assistant Professor

Chryssanthi Avlami is assistant professor of Contemporary History at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens and member of the Research Centre ANHIMA, Paris. She has studied at the University of Thessaloniki (BA History and Archaeology) and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (MSc and PhD).

She has been Onassis Fellow (1990), Mary O’Seeger Fellow at Princeton University (1999), AHRB fellow and Marie Curie Fellow at Oxford University (2000-2004), Fritz Thyssen Fellow at the Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Studies (2005), CNRS Research Fellow at the Centre Louis Gernet (2006-2008),Visiting Researcher at the Institut de recherches sur la Rennaissance, l’âge classique et les Lumières (IRCL, CNRS / Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III (2014-2015).

Centre de recherches ANHIMA, CNRS/EHESS, Paris

She is coordinating the European Research Program:

Bibliotheca Academica Translationum

Traductions et circulation des savoirs sur l’Antiquité gréco-romaine dans l’Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles


Office: 9, 3d floor of the New Building

  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
  • Syllabus 
  • Academia.Edu/ChryssanthiAvlami
  • English CV


avlami forthcoming book

Psilla Marianna, Professor

Professor of Political Communication - Vice Rector of International Affairs and Cooperations

Marianna Psilla is Professor of Political Communication in the Department of Communication, Mass Media and Culture at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. She received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Paris I Sorbonne in 1990. At the same university she completed her Masters in the fields of 1) Ideology and Political Culture and 2) Political and Social Communication. She was the Head of the Department of Communication Mass Media and Culture, for the period 2016-2018. She had the position of the Director of the Division of Mass-Media at the same department from 2011-2017. She is the Director of the Master Cultural Management, Communication and Media at the Department of Communication, Mass Media and Culture and Deputy Director of the interdepartmental Master Gender, Society, Policy.

She taught at the University of Crete at the Department of Sociology (1990-1993) and the Department of Philosophical and Social Studies (1993-1995). Since 1995, that she was elected as Faculty member at Panteion University until today, she has been teaching at the Department of Communication, Mass Media and Culture. At Postgraduate level she taught at the following Universities: 1) University of Crete (2004-2013) 2)Greek Open University (2005-2019) 3) Panteion University α)Interdepartmental Master in «Psychology and Means of Communication» (2007-2008) b) Master at the Department of the Political Science and History (2009-2015) c) Postgraduate Program New Media and Journalism of the Department of Communication, Media and Culture which since the academic year 2018 was renamed as Society of Information, Media and Technology (2015 until today), d) Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program Gender, Society and Policy(2015 until today). Moreover, she is a member of a Special Interdepartmental Committee responsible for the operation of the Aforementioned Postgraduate Program.

 In 2018 was a visitor – researcher at the University of Lyon 2, with which she runs common research programs. In terms of mobility, she has taught in Erasmus+ European and International Program, as well as in many European Universities and at the University of Québec-Rimouski in Canada. Since 1997 until now she has participated in the European and International Program Erasmus+ and is currently responsible for 25 undergraduate and post-graduate programs between ‘Panteion’ University and 15 European countries and Canada. At present moment, she is the Institutional Coordinator–Scientific Supervisor of the Erasmus+ Program of Panteion University.

Furthermore, she is a member of the French and Hellenic Political Science Associations. She has a various and multiple research work. Since 2017-2021, she participates in the European Program CODES (Communication, Cultural Diversity, and Solidarity). She has been a Country Coordinator for Greece. The CODES is an Inter-universal program (Erasmus+keyaction1 : Strategic Partnerships) coordinated by the University of Lyon 2. The CODES program brings together the research teams of the universities of six countries (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania) in order to connect directly tertiary education and society, as well as to define the role of education, in the management of diversity and multiculturalism. She is a Scientific Officer of the National Internship Program of Practice (2009-2018) for the Department Communication, Media and Culture of Panteion University. Since 2002 until now, she is the editor of the series “Communication–Politics” at the Typothito-G. Dardanos publishing house, Athens, Greece, where there have been published until today 10 (ten) book titles. She worked as a member of Scientific and Organizing Committees in a number of scientific conferences and workshops. She has published five books, 8 book chapters and journal articles in Greek, French and English.


Office: Δ15, 4th Fllor - New Building

Telephone: 210-9201741 

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Office Hours:

  • Thursday: 10-11  [for Undergraduate students]
  • Friday: 16.00-17 [For Postgraduate students] 



Karadimitriou Achilleas, Assistant Professor

Subject: Journalism and News Production

Dr. Achilleas Karadimitriou is an Assistant Professor of Journalism and News Production at the Department of Communication, Media Studies and Culture of Panteion University in Athens, Greece. He is also working as a journalist/fact-checker on the platform check4facts.gr, headed by the National Centre for Social Research. Based on grants from the State Scholarship Foundation of Greece (IKY), he has completed in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens post-doctoral research on Public Service Media in the UK, Denmark, and Greece in the platformised era and holds a Ph.D. Degree in the Policy of the European Broadcasting Programming, awarded by the same University. His undergraduate studies are related to Communication and Media (Department of Communication and Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) and his postgraduate studies focus on Television News and Production (University of Wales, Aberystwyth with a Scholarship from the Onassis Public Benefit Foundation).

He has been an Adjunct Lecturer at the BA Course Communication and Media Studies and the MA Course Communication and New Media, running at the Department of Communication and Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has participated as a research associate in various European research programmes concerning cutting-edge issues related to the evolution of media and the communication field (European Media Platforms: Assessing Positive & Negatives Externalities for European Culture/Eumeplat, Euromedia Ownership Monitor/Euromo, The Media for Democracy Monitor 2020, ISCH COST Action - Populist Political Communication in Europe, YouthActiv - Jean Monnet - Information and Research Activities, 11 Nations Study of Comparative Political Knowledge and Media Consumption). He has worked as a journalist in the digital sector and as a communications specialist in non-profit institutions. His research interests and academic publications focus on broadcasting policy, news media/ social media framing, and journalism professionalism/journalism practices in the context of the platformised era.

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3670-968X


Participation in Research Programs 

  • October 2021 – May 2024:
    "European Media Platforms: Assessing Positive & Negative Externalities for European Culture" (Eumeplat), investigating the effects of the rise of digital platforms on the European communication field.

  • November 2021 – September 2022:
    "Euromedia Ownership Monitor (Euromo)" investigating the transparency of media ownership regimes in European countries.

  • February 2021 to date:
    "Public Discourse Observatory - Check4facts Science" (EKKE) aimed at evaluating the credibility of public discourse in Greece.

  • September 2019 - December 2021:
    "The Media for Democracy Monitor" (of the Euromedia Research Group) aimed at evaluating from a comparative perspective the functioning of the Media and their contribution to democracy.

  • March - December 2017:
    "ISCH COST Action IS1308, Populist Political Communication in Europe", aimed at the comparative study of the Media and the rise of populism in Europe.

  • September 2013 - June 2014:
    YouthActiv in the context of Action KA1 of the Jean Monnet European Program "Information and Research Activities”, framed by the task of preparing research regarding "Europe and Media: The Image of Greece in the Foreign Press".

  • September 2009 - October 2010:
    "11 Nations Study of Comparative Political Knowledge and Media Consumption", with the aim of investigating the relationship between information provided to the electorate and the knowledge citizens gain from it (emphasis on the comparison of the Greek case with other countries).


Indicative Publications

  • Karadimitriou, A. (2024, in press). Persistent Challenges for Public Service Journalism in Greece in the Platformised Era. In D’Arma, A., Michalis, M., Lowe, G. F., and Zita, M. B. (Eds.), Challenges and Developments in Public Service Journalism (11th RIPE Reader). London: Westminster University.
  • Karadimitriou, A., & Papathanassopoulos, S. (2024). Public Service Media in the Platform Era: The Cases of Britain, Denmark, and Greece. Journalism and Media, 5 (2): 646-670. https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia5020043
  • Giannouli, I., Karadimitriou, A., Archontaki, I., & Papathanassopoulos, S. (2024). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: analyzing anti-vaccine rhetoric on Greek Facebook. Online Media and Global Communication. https://doi.org/10.1515/omgc-2024-0008
  • Archontaki, I., Karadimitriou, A., Giannouli, I. & Papathanassopoulos, S. (2023). Mapping Europeanization in the Greek online public sphere: Assessing the Europeanizing dynamics of social media. Observatorio (OBS) Journal: Special Issue (2023) Platformisation of News and Interactions: Regional Contexts of Crisis in Trust, 27-47. http://obs.obercom.pt
  • Karadimitriou, A., von Krogh, T., Ruggiero, C., Biancalana, C., Bomba, M., & Lo, W. H. (2022). “Investigative journalism and the watchdog role of news media: Between acute challenges and exceptional counterbalances”. In J. Trappel, & T. Tomaz (Eds.), Success and failure in news media performance: Comparative analysis in the Media for Democracy Monitor 2021 (pp. 101–125). Nordicom, University of Gothenburg. https://doi.org/10.48335/9789188855589-5
  • Ruggiero, C., Karadimitriou, A., Lo, W. H., Núñez-Mussa, E., Bomba, M., & Sallusti, S. (2022). “The professionalisation of journalism: Global trends and the challenges of training and job insecurity”. In J. Trappel, & T. Tomaz (Eds.), Success and failure in news media performance: Comparative analysis in the Media for Democracy Monitor 2021 (pp. 309–335). Nordicom: University of Gothenburg. https://doi.org/10.48335/9789188855589-15
  • Karadimitriou, Α. (2022). "Reality television and its timeless appeal in the context of the deregulated television field". In Sidiropoulou, A. (Ed.), Cross-Touch: Companionship and Intimacy in the Digital Age. Athens: Papazisi Publications.
  • Karadimitriou, A. (2022). “Public Service Media in Denmark, UK, and Greece: Comparing media policy practices in the digital platformised era”. Στο Public Value Texte: Public Service Media in Europe (Special Issue of Publications), Wien: ORF.
  • Papathanassopoulos, S., Karadimitriou, A., Kostopoulos, C., & Archontaki, I. (2021). “Greece: Media concentration and independent journalism between austerity and digital disruption”. In J. Trappel, & T. Tomaz (Eds.), The Media for Democracy Monitor 2021: How leading news media survive digital transformation (Vol. 2) (pp. 177-230). Nordicom, University of Gothenburg. https://doi.org/10.48335/9789188855428-5
  • Karadimitriou, A. (2020): "Journalistic Professionalism in Greece: Between Chronic and Acute Crises". In A. Karatzogianni, & A. Veneti (ed.): The Emerald Handbook of Digital Media in Greece: Journalism and Political Communication in Times of Crisis. London: Emerald Publishing.
  • Giannouli, I., Karadimitriou, Α. (2015): Television coverage and the 2015 election contests, Communication Issues, 20-21: 34-56 (in Greek).

Skarpelos Yannis, Professor

Subject: Image, Communication, Culture

Yannis Skarpelos studied Sociology and holds a PhD in Visual Cultural Studies. He is teaching at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture since 1996. His interests are focusing on the sociological and semiotic visual analysis. The last decade his research is focused on computational analysis of big visual data, videogames and social network analysis.

He has written the books: Terra Virtualis: The Construction of Cyberspace (Nefeli, 1999), Historical Memory and Greekness in Comic Books (Kritiki, 2000), Image and Society: From Documentary Photography to Visual Sociology (Topos, 2012) and The Uncertain Sighns (Topos, 2019). He has also edited the volume Digital Games: Philosophical, social and cultural aspects (Oasis, 2019).

He has also written chapters in edited volumes and papers in journals. During the last five years he has published:

  • Skarpelos, Y. (2018) Big Visual Data in Social Sciences, in C. M. Stuetzer, M. Welker & M. Egger (eds.), Computational Social Science in the Age of Big Data: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
  • Roinioti, E., Pandia, E., Skarpelos, Y. (2017) Sociability by Design in an Alternate Reality Game: The Case of The Trail, in A. Garcia, G. Niemeyer (eds), Alternate Reality Games and the Cusp of Digital Gameplay, Bloomsbury.
  • Skarpelos, Y. (2017) Towards a Quantitative Visual Semiotics? in Kr. Bankov (editor in chief), New Semiotics Between Tradition and Innovation, NBU Publishing House & IASS Publications.

His research activities include the creation of Panteion University eclass, the project TRIPMENTOR Interactive Tourist (funded by the “Research-Create-Innovate” program), INTERMEDS: Intercultural Mediators (funded by Erasmus+), and RIPEC: Research for Innovative Practices in Emergency Management of Erasmus Community (funded by Erasmus+).

He is the founder and head of the New Media Lab of the Department since 1999, and has been associate chair and chair of the Department, member of the Panteion Senate, and of the Research Committee.

He is a member of the International Visual Sociology Association, and has acted as a member of its Board during 2002-2005 and 2012-2018. He is also a member of the Hellenic Semiotic Society and an associate member of its board since 2019.


Klimis, George-Michael, Professor

George-Michael Klimis B.Sc (Hons), PGDip.Sc, MBA, PhD, is currently Professor of Management and Marketing at Panteion University, Athens Greece, and adjunct professor at the Hellenic Open University. He studied mathematics at Aristotle University, Greece, and Music Information Technology in London and earned an MBA from Cass Business School, and a PhD (funded by a Cass scholarship) from the same school where he also worked as a research fellow and lecturer.

He has published in prestigious journals and worked as a freelance management consultant in various companies in Greece, the UK and Sweden.


click here for the extended CV







kiki Ioanna, Associate Professor

1962:   Born in Athens

1979:   Bachelor, Tositseio Arsakeio Highschool  of Athens

1980:   Journalist, Practitioner

1984:   L.L.B., University of Athens, School of Law

1986:   L.L.M., University of London, London School of Economics

1986:   Barrister, Athens Bar

1987:   Fellow, Council of Europe 

1992:   P.H.D., University of Athens, School of Law (subject : Media Law)

1992:   University Assistant, Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki, Department of  Media

1993:   Lecturer, Panteion University of Athens, Department of Media

1993:   Postdoc, State Foundation of Fellowships, Athens

1994:   Legal Advisor, The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1995:   Legal Advisor, The Greek Ministry of Press

1998:   Assistant Professor, The Panteion University of Athens, Department of Media

2008:   Associate Professor, The Panteion University of Athens, Department of Media


  • Author of six (6) books, thirty one (31) scientific articles, participant in twenty two (22) conferences and seminars in Greece, France, Cyprus, Austria and U.S.A.
  • Legal Representative of  Greece in front of the EEC Court in several telecommunication cases
  • Foreign languages : English, French, Italian and German




pistopoiisi 2circles

136 Syggrou Avenue - 17671 Athens - Greece

e-mail: emme@panteion.gr



210-920 1428 Thedorou Vasiliki - Students affairs
    210-920 1431 Halkonidou Eleni - Students affairs
    210-920 1064 Karalis Dimitris - Executive secretary

Student services hours at the Secretariat [2nd floor of the old building]: every Tuesday 10:00 - 13:00

  • For certifications, letters of confirmation etc., students are assisted by the Student Services
    in the quadrangle of the New Building, which operates daily from 9:30 – 13:00

  • Gogle Map Panteion Athens